Jeremy Bush is an
accomplished wax designer. The majority of his previous
work is in the small sculptural field. It's his desire to
learn the Lost Wax Casting process. Jeremy carved a
grouper for a friend and we were going to use that wax
pattern to teach the casting process. Jeremy also had a
mold so getting duplicate waxes was no problem. We'll be
casting two fish in the same flask. The next step will be
to add wax "bails", these were designed as pendants. Once
the wax bail has been added to each they will be sprued to
the sprue base in preparation for the investment stage of
the process.
The wax patterns, for two grouper pendants. |
This is a photo of the two wax groupers attached to the sprue base.
You can see that the blue wax "bails" have been attached. |
This is another angle of the sprued waxes. This shot shows
the "Sprue
system" that feeds not only the fish but the large bails.
step......Investment. |
This is a photo of Jeremy at the bench. He's using the
jeweler's saw
to cut the casting from the sprue system and button. |
And a nice close up of the casting being cut off of the sprue system
and button. The button is the large mass that acts as a
reservoir to
feed the sprue system and casting as it solidifies. The
button should
be the last to solidify. |